Standard Self Defense Seminar consists of a single 1-hour presentation.
General awareness is briefly covered, but this is not an “awareness
seminar.” The Self Defense Seminar instead focuses primarily on
what to do if and when a situation was not avoided. Topics include the
mentality of an attacker and how that should affect how you approach the
situation, the attitude and philosophy that should be applied in a self
defense situation, easy-to-remember general principles for escape and
defense, acquaintance attacks, self defense plans, what and how to attack
if necessary, and how to use any weapons available (particularly everyday
range in price depending on group size and start at $100. They are usually
held a location provided by the group although they can also be held at
our studio location in NE Minneapolis. Your group's Self Defense Seminar
can also be scheduled to coordinate with the hands-on portion of a Self
Defense Workshop (about 1½ hours). Such a coordinated Workshop
can be held the same day or at a later date and can be held for your entire
group or just a subset.
A Self Defense Seminar is an inexpensive way
to protect the members
of your group. What you learn could save your life!
Don't delay, sign up for your seminar
Call or text "Info" to (612) 424-BUDO [2836]